Get A Load Of These Two Lunatics Literally Spitting In Each Other's Faces Over Some Gasoline In North Carolina


Source - A fight erupted at a crowded gas station in North Carolina when a woman reportedly tried to cut the line during panic buying sparked by the Colonial Pipeline shutdown.

Cellphone video of the incident shows the woman spat into the driver’s side of a gray Honda waiting near pump No. 10 at the Marathon station in Knightdale, NC, according to WRAL News.

The Video:

America is healing, folks. If you don't belive me just watch that video again. Four months ago no one would've dared to spit in someone else's face. Now? Now people are hocking a loogies without a care in the world. And for what? A couple gallons of premium unleaded? Makes sense to me! For those of you who don't know what's going on with the Colonial Pipeline you can read about it here. Long story short, it got shut down via cyber attack so people are panic buying all the gas, which in turn is leading to some nasty confrontations. I mean this lady rammed her into that guy…





Spit in his face…



Then proceeded to get chased down and spit on herself! 


And no one even batted an eye. People just carried on with their business. Also, I love how he had to boot her phone across the parking lot to try and get her off of him. Then he pointed to it like that would distract her…

What a moment. Hopefully once the dust settled these two were able to get their gas and get on with their lives. Life's to short to fight over fuel. 

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